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Monday 26 April 2010


Bluebell, originally uploaded by Sean Tiernan.

Heres another one of a blue bell that turned out really well. These were taken last week. I'm not sure what we will be doing this week. Maybe some more flowers or some portrait work. If you click on the image it take you to my flickr page that has some other ones on there for you to see as well.

1 comment:

  1. I like very much, espreciosa my amor q lindo , si tu vas a tomar muchas fotos my amor porq DIOS
    te va sanar de este mal tu me dices q no hay cura pero para DIOS hay CURA my amor .El es el todo poderoso el puede hacer todo my amor , yo tengo mucha fe my amor y tu la tienes q tener tambien si.I LOVE YOU LOTS ANDA FOREVER. Charito.
